Saturday, September 29, 2012

Costuming Query

Does anyone else ever "visit" fabric when they go to the fabric store?  I'm talking fabric that you've picked out as perfect for some future project, and then convinced yourself that you don't need it or can't afford it right now.  But somehow you can't get it out of your mind, so whenever you're in that store for something else you can't help but check to see if it's still there...

I do this with a certain deep purple linen at JoAnn's that I've been eyeing for months now.  I haven't bought it yet because I had made a rule for myself back in July that I am not allowed to buy fabric for a new project until I've completed one of my old projects.  I would love to make this particular linen into an 18th Century petticoat to pair with a purple floral embroidered caraco jacket:

Something like this, but with a solid skirt
But of course I have yet to complete one of my old projects.  July and August were incredibly busy for me, with sewing for work and sewing for Celebration VI so I didn't have much time at all to sew for myself.  I am learning, however, that when something is important to you, you have to make time for it.  So I plan to update this blog three times a week, starting today.  Wish me luck!

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