
Thursday, February 1, 2018

2017 Year in Review and 2018 Plans

It must be frustrating to follow my blog.  It's either feast or famine with posts, lately!  Blogging time is not exactly a priority as a new mom, but whenever I do get a chance to sit down and write I tend to go into overdrive trying to catch up!  Anyway, here's a quick recap of what I've been up to:

2017 Projects

Maternity Stays
Gold Galleon Gown

1940s Daisy Maternity Dress
Padmé Maternity Costume - AKA The Velvet Beast
Crocheted baby clothes

Regency Baby Dress and Cap
 Baby's first Halloween - Princess Leia and Reptar

I made various other baby clothes for little Reptar, but above are the highlights.

2017 Events

Mitts, Muffs, and Hoods Workshop - February 11
Francaise Dinner - March 18
American Revolution Museum Opening - April 1
Star Wars Celebration - April 13-16
Williamsburg Garden Party - May 5
Reptar was born! - June 9
RSV Autumn Picnic - September 9
Burnley & Trowbridge Pleated Back Gown Workshop - October 6-8
RSV Trafalgar Victory Ball - October 21
Williamsburg Holiday Promenade - December 30

2018 Planned Projects

1-7:  All of my 2017 planned projects - none of which are started yet!  :/

8:  Finish my Pleated Back Gown from the B&T Workshop - which I still need to blog about!

This is pretty much still where I'm at.
I need to tack down the pleats that are currently basted in place, attach the shoulder straps, finish the sleeves, attach the front panels to the skirt, pleat the skirt to the waist, make the stomacher and a matching petticoat.

9:  Re-make the bodice of what I have just re-named the Big Bad Plaid Dress.

I wasn't super happy with the fit of the bodice through the shoulders and sleeves, and the way the darts highlight light stripes on one side and dark stripes on the other really bothers me.  I want to re-make the bodice completely, to fix these issues.  Should be fun!

10 & 11:  Finish Brian the Engineer's waistcoats

These have been in the works since...  September of 2016!  I had meant to finish at least one of them in time for the RSV Picnic at Monroe's Highland (which I just realized I've never blogged about!) but I ran out of time and they have languished ever since.

12:  Hufflepuff Bustle Gown

This one I'm really excited about!  I got the idea from Fabric & Fiction, who is making a Ravenclaw 1870s Gown that promises to be spectacular.  And since I am a Hufflepuff, when I saw the above fantastic yellow-and-black checked silks on sale for crazy cheap ($6 a yard!) at Fabric Mart I couldn't resist!  This is going to be my big project this year, so stay tuned for updates.  


  1. Oh the Hufflepuff gown is going to be amazing!! I have some silk that I'm planning to make an 1890's Minerva Mcgonagall gown out of this year!

    1. Oooh, how fun! 1890s would be perfect for McGonagall!
