
Friday, March 1, 2013

No New Fabric Challenge - February Recap

Two months down, ten left!

I didn't set a foot inside a fabric/craft store once during all of January, which made my resolution fairly easy to keep for the first month.  This last month, I had to make a JoAnn's run for various sundries to finish up a few projects, and it was a little harder...  But I made it!
In January I started four new projects and finished one UFO.  In February I started two and completed five - three of which were start-to-finish!


Regency Ballgown

Well, it's started in the sense that I have gathered all my fabric and materials for the gown, chosen a  pattern and made a plan.  I have also washed the fabric and ironed it, but have not yet begun the cutting process.  I have so little of the striped voile that I'm afraid of cutting wrong and messing it up.  Therefore, I am going to do what any proper costumer should always do - make a muslin mockup first.  I have, on the other hand, made some progress on my soon-to-be Regency slippers:

Blog post on these coming soon

Secret Project - to be revealed next month


Brick-Red Petticoat

This is one of my UFO's from last month, and I finished it in time to wear it with my Curtain-Along cloak for my first historical costume photo-shoot.

18th Century Pocket Sampler

I finished the embroidery on my hand-sewn pocket, which was a lot more fun than I had expected.  I hadn't done any kind of embroidery since I was 13, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it!  

Muff Base and Muff Cover

This really counts as two projects, but the muff itself is rather boring.  I have plans for at least two more removable covers, so keep watching for those!  

Mob Cap

Once I had found a suitable online tutorial on mob caps, my first cap went together very quickly and easily!  I will definitely be making more.


Stuffing for the muff, yarn for the *secret* project, bias tape in case of future need, and black embroidery floss for my yellow shawl were all purchased at JoAnn's.  I've also ordered two kinds of ribbon from for my Regency slippers.  So far I've only used the stuffing and a bit of the yarn.  Total monthly sewing expenditure:  $30.48

Stash Items Used:  

Light blue cotton, white cotton voile, white striped cotton voile, eyelet trim, and blue velvet ribbon will be used in my Regency ballgown.  A curtain and some twill tape were used for the petticoat.  Embroidery floss for the pocket.  Muslin for the muff, upholstery fabric and silk scraps for trim on the muff cover.  Muslin and ribbon for the mob cap.  


  1. Hello!

    I need one of those "no new fabric" signs on my blog! I have fabric for 5 dresses sitting in my room, just waiting to be used. I don't need any more! I reenact the Civil War, but enjoy your posts about Regency, and plan on branching out soon. Lovely blog!


    1. Thanks! Feel free to use the image - we can be in this together! I'd love to branch out to Civil War era, as well. That'll have to wait until 2014, though. :p One nice thing about this challenge is that it arranges my priorities for me! No fabric for that dream gown? Well, I guess it'll have to wait until next year!
