
Saturday, March 2, 2019

England Trip Wardrobe Planning

I am currently seeing amazing photos and videos of my friends at Carnevale in Venice, so to ease my jealousy I am immersing myself in planning out my outfits for the trip to England that I'm taking in June with the Regency Society of Virginia!  (By the way, there's still room for one more [female] person if you'd like to join - and I'd be your roommate!)

We'll be in Bath for three days, Brighton for two, and London for one day before travelling back home.  I'm thinking I'd like to be able to dress up in Regency attire at least four days, possibly five.  Which means I'll need...

Four shifts
I have two already
2 sets of stays
These need to be replaced, and I have a second set planned
3-4 bodiced petticoats
I currently have three, with another in the works
4-5 dresses
I have four that currently fit, and at least three more planned
2-3 spencers
I have one that both fits and would be seasonally appropriate
1-2 bonnets
I have several to choose from, and one more in the works
Assorted stockings, shoes, chemisettes, etc.

I'll want to conserve space in my luggage as much as possible, of course.  And I'll need to make sure I have space for my "normal" clothes!  But I have time to play with the possibilities and build my outfits between now and then.


  1. Wardrobe planning is not a bad idea but it's all depends on weather. If you're planning to travel UK in winter then you should choose other clothes. You can also mention Heathrow park and ride on your checklist plan and travel wisely.

    1. The trip is in June, but thanks for the tips.
