
Monday, September 21, 2020

Regency Capsule Wardrobe - Look Number Three

For Day Three I re-wore my Black & Ivory Dress from Day One with new accessories.  Since we would be down at the sea shore, I knew that it would be 10-15 degrees cooler than it was inland, so I paired my long-sleeved dress with my Pink Silk Spencer.  

I'll start with the gorgeous edits of my pictures from The Cobb done by Gloria of In The Long Run Designs:  

In addition to editing out the photobombing tourist in the background, she also gave me some options where she played with the color to give cool effects!  

I can't decide which version I like better:  

I accessorized with a plain straw bonnet that I stitched some ribbon onto for a bit of flair, my favorite neckerchief from Burnley & Trowbrige, and jade earrings that my husband bought for me in Japan:

I also wore my yellow painted Hartfield boots from American Duchess, and carried my Striped Reticule.  

Oh, I also have to mention these divine lavender silk stockings from Penny River that I bought at Fort Frederick Market Fair last April:  

They are so comfortable, and look at that sheen!  These are my favorite stockings ever. 

Back at the house that evening, I got some photos taken of me to both showcase the dress and the beautiful location:  

For indoors, I swapped my bonnet for a cap.  

I love how the kerchief mimics the diagonal lines of my dress bodice in the back!

And of course the sonic screwdriver had to come out:  

This was probably the most comfortable ensemble of the entire trip.  

1 comment:

  1. The dress and kerchief combination is wonderful. Love the lines of the stripes and the mix of prints. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.

