
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Williamsburg Winter Stroll

The day after the Historical Costumer's Mini-Market, a VERY LARGE group of (mostly) ladies met up in Williamsburg for a stroll through the historic area in fancy gowns and such.  Initially I had thought of finishing a new gown for the occasion, but reason got the better of me.  I was already planning a Regency photo shoot for myself and Reptar on Saturday in between the RSV annual meeting and the mini-market, and I had sewing to do for that, too.  So I decided the meet-up would be a good excuse to trot out the Gold Galleon Gown again!

Of course I had to change it up with a new stomacher for a different look.  And I finally got around to making the cap from the Fashions Revisited pattern that I won in the raffle at the 2017 Francaise Dinner!  I had cut it out after the Williamsburg Promenade in December 2017, when I had borrowed Gloria's cap for the day.  I decided it was high time I had my own - but of course I never sewed it together until I had an event to wear it for.  :p

I ended up doing some minor alterations on the gown in addition to the new stomacher, but I'll blog about those separately.  For now, enjoy all the photos I took during our very unstructured stroll up and down Duke of Gloucester Street!

Most everyone was in 18th Century, but we had a few deviations:

I met so many new people that day, and I can't remember everyone's names!  So in the interest of fairness, I'm not going to label any of these photos.  If you see one of yourself that you'd rather I take down, please let me know. 

I always like to get photos of myself with the Palace in the background!  Thanks to the lovely lady who took these for me - I'm sorry I don't remember your name.  :(

Getting lunch:

Obligatory shoe shot:

I had a hard time fitting everyone in!

There were so many gorgeous ensembles!  I wish I had gotten more pictures of everyone.  I felt so fancy, strolling along in such fine company.  :) 

A few more pics of me (Samantha took these): 

In addition to my new cap, I wore my Dames a la Mode aquamarine collet necklace and earrings, a cotton voile kerchief, red American Duchess stockings, and my black Dunmore shoes and shoe buckles (also by American Duchess).

I'm loving the cap!  It's so floofy and fun.

It felt good to put my feet up when I got home!