
Friday, February 1, 2013

No New Fabric Challenge - January Recap

One month down, eleven to go...

On January 2, I made a resolution that - for me - was very difficult to make.  Surprisingly, it hasn't been as difficult to keep as I had anticipated.  I have been doing more sewing and less shopping, more planning and less dreaming.  This challenge has forced me to organize - and use - the fabrics in my stash, making my work area (i.e. my bedroom) a nicer place to work (and live).

Decreasing "The Stash" and increasing productivity?  I should have done this ages ago!

So far this year I have started four new projects and finished one UFO.  This is in part thanks to the Historical Sew Fortnightly challenge, as well.  (I'm good at making plans for myself, but I'm bad at sticking to self-imposed deadlines.)


Yellow Shawl

Not very exciting yet.
This may not seem like a big accomplishment, but I am rather proud of myself for hemming this simple rectangle completely by hand!  

I am particularly fond of the tiny mitered corners.  
Although the shawl is completely hemmed, I am not counting it as "finished" quite yet.  My plan is to embroider it to make it more special and elegant.  

18th Century Pocket Sampler

Speaking of embroidery, I am teaching myself the craft by practicing stitches on my hand-sewn 18th Century pocket.  I've been having a lot of fun with it, and I kind of want to embroider everything now!  

1813 Apron-Front Gown

This is my first foray into Regency-era clothing, and I can tell already that it will be the first of many!  When I get this dress finished I'll have to make a spencer jacket and bonnet to complete the ensemble.  

Brick-Red Petticoat

This fabric was once a curtain.  True story.  
I haven't blogged about this petticoat yet, mainly because it's gone together so fast I haven't remembered to take pictures of the process.  Basically I cut a long curtain panel in half to make the front and back sides of an 18th Century petticoat, unpicked the machine-sewn hem and casing for the curtain rod, and hand-stitched the new hem.  All that's left to do is sew the pleated front and back to the waistbands (pictured above) and add the ties.  Voila!  New petticoat!  


Curtain-Along Cloak

I need better pictures of this one...
I'm calling the cloak completed, even though I still intend to add pleated self-fabric trim all the way around the hem, because it is finished enough that I can wear it in public - should an occasion to do so arise.  The trim will just be bonus.  


Nothing!  (Well, not in 2013.  I bought the curtains for the cloak and petticoat, the muslin for the apron-front gown and pocket, and the wool lining and filigree clasp for the cloak all in 2012.)  

Stash Items Used:  

The fabric for the yellow shawl, the bias tape and embroidery floss for the pocket, and all thread used came from my stash.  

All in all, I say it's not a bad start to the year.  :)  

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