
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Curtains and More Curtains

I was in Meijer again on Saturday, and decided to check if the curtains I had found last week were still there.  I quickly discovered that the entire curtain aisle had been re-arranged, and guess why?  They're joining the Curtain-Along, too!

It might be hard to tell on my crappy cell phone pic, but those are the famous Waverly indienne-print curtains in the bottom left corner!  So I guess the reason all those other curtains were marked down last week was because they were making room for the new Waverly line.  Their price is the same as Lowe's, though.  I'll keep my eye on them and see if they ever go on sale, at which point I might snatch up a red one for a caraco jacket...  We'll see.

In the meantime, I did end up finding some clearance curtains to tide me over...

The gorgeous gold embroidered faux silk I found last time was marked down even more!

This is how much it was last week.
I'd say that's a good deal.  :)  

The fabric is lovely in person.  It has a nice weight to it, and I love the color and sheen.  Here it is out of the package, so you can better see the embroidered pattern:

The red faux silk I spotted last time was no longer on sale, but I did like this textured red panel:

Here it is out of the package:

Last but not least, I found this gauzy cream stripe:

Out of the package:

My plan for all three of these was to whip them up into petticoats, to be worn with a yet-to-be-made red and gold floral jacket, or red and gold striped open gown, which I will make with yet-to-be-found fabrics.  Possibly more curtains.

However...  The gold panel has been speaking to me.  It's saying that I should really make a full-on French court gown, with the wide panniers and excessive amounts of trim.  For this, I will need more of the gold curtains!  There was only one left at the Meijer where I usually shop, so I may need to check a couple more places to see if I can find more...  Because I needed another big project.  :p

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